
Ø         Whenever possible, travel on well-lit, populated streets and main roads: remember that a short-cut or a little-used alternative road can save you 10 minutes, but it could put your safety at risk …

Ø         Keep the windows up (leave only a small space for ventilation) and put the safety on the doors (most cars of the latest generation have a device that automatically unlocks the doors in case of an accident).

Ø         One of the most risky moments is certainly when you stop at traffic lights or at intersections. Be particularly careful because it is one of the few moments when an attacker can jump into the car and aiming a weapon at you, forcing you to divert your car towards a secluded side road.

Ø         If along the road you come across a driver asking for help or rescue, be very careful: there have been many attacks in which the criminals simulated a car breakdown or an imminent need for help. So think well then before you get out of the car, and before doing so, however, let the rescuers know, so that, should you suffer an aggression, somebody will arrive shortly (maybe with sirens explained) that will disturb the bad guys.

Ø         If you suspect someone is following you, head to a busy street, if you find that you are still following, head to the nearest police station. IMPORTANT: if you find yourself being followed, never take the road home, you would tell potential attackers where you live, and you would thus expose yourself to the risk of aggression under the house. In an attempt to sow it you never go along narrow and deserted roads a determined assailant could join you and try to push you off the road or bar your way with your car.

Ø         Do not pass on hitchhikers.

Ø         Don’t forget to fill up with fuel during the day: stopping at a nightly self-service can be dangerous.

Ø         When you get out of the car try to have the house keys already in your hand: you will avoid stopping on the road to look for them.

Ø         Always close your car even if you leave it only for a short time.

Ø         Before going up, check that nobody is inside. Especially check behind the front seats.

Ø         Do not leave precious objects, bags and handbags, car radios and other things that can attract attention.

Ø         Do not leave a spare key in the vehicle (not even hidden in places you think are inaccessible).

Ø         Avoid discussion with other motorists, favoring a state of anger could mean a big risk.

Returning home:

Ø         If someone takes you home by car, ask them to wait until you enter the door.

Ø         At night, always park in well-lit places before leaving the car, make sure there are no people in the area who could be dangerous.

Ø         When you return home by car, make sure that no one sneaks on your feet in the courtyard or garage after your passage.

What to do against an attempted car aggression:

If you are attacked while you are recovering your car: remember that the keys to the car can become a valid punch. Grab them between the index and middle fingers of the fisted hand, so you have the tip of the key outward, and hit your attacker in the face: this will give you enough time to jump into the car. Once up, close the locks and leave immediately for the first police station. Always rememberthat the conditions of fear and stress, could slow down the operation of opening the car itself, giving the possibility to the criminal to get up and repeat the attack this time, however, in a much more violent and determined because wounded; so if you notice other people in the distance who can help you and you have difficulty opening the car, go straight to them calling attention to you using the “HELP” whistle or shouting “FIRE”.

Risk assessment

Ø         Always evaluate the type of aggression received and the character you are facing, so many times a few coins are enough to get rid of a very dangerous situation, it is not worth risking your life or trying to make heroes for a few hundred old liras . The situations that we will list below are to be considered extreme situations in which we realize that the aggressor is already determined and intent on hurting us.


By now, defending yourself from pickpockets and snatchers is increasingly difficult. The criminals are increasingly savvy and equipped and try, however, to surprise their victim with new tricks and tricks. However, paying close attention to the people who approach us and who are around us can serve to avoid danger. When faced with a threat from any criminal, remember that there is no value that is worth more than your life.


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