

This section is dedicated not only to martial arts enthusiasts, but also to all visitors, who for various reasons are interested or simply intrigued by the self-defense topic. What is reported in this paragraph does not want to be an absolute truth, but a sort of advice on how to deal with or resolve certain situations.   Within this area, in addition to telling your experiences, you will be able to ask questions to which, expert masters of various martial arts, who have been working and working in the field of self-defense for many years, will be happy to answer.


The best defense is prevention.  your attention, your awareness, your ability to prevent risk situations are the best defense technique: by  never finding yourself in dangerous situations, you will not need to defend yourself.

General Suggestions

Another extreme resource (extreme because we are already in physical contact with the attacker) is to delay by pretending to be very sure of themselves and that it is you who dictates the rules of the game. It is a valid plan that has saved so many girls and could be a valid alternative even if a little risky. Putting the assailant in front of a simple and apparently shared approach by the female partner can equally save you from brutal violence. Take time with an excuse such as: “Because you behave like that, it’s fine for me too, we go to a hotel room, or to my house!” Often a rapist who, if he is repelled badly, gets even more excited and becomes more dangerous. As soon as the attacker gets distracted, take the opportunity to escape or ask for help.

Ø            In case of danger, would you like someone, man or woman, to intervene to help you? And then, if you see people in difficulty, try to put yourself in their shoes and help them without hesitation !!

Always carry your mobile phone with you if you have it. Do not forget to memorize the emergency numbers (100 and 102), and those of friends and relatives: promptly press the button to send the call can save you. Even if for some reason you can’t bring your phone to your ear (you’re driving or you have your hands busy in other tasks) always tell exactly where you are, what’s going on and the route you’re going to make.

In dangerous situations

If you find yourself in dangerous situations, shout “Fire” and not “Help”

There are several other types of safety devices such as irritant spray cans, the “HELP” whistle that sounds at least 10 times stronger than a normal whistle, or the new pocket sirens, which are difficult to find but very useful.

Even a normal perfume or lacquer can serve the purpose.

Do not accept car rides from those you do not know.

Do not absolutely hitch a ride.

Do not stop, on foot or by car, in particularly dark and isolated places.

You do not arrive at the moment when you are forced to defend yourself with extreme means.

Preventing aggression

The best defense is prevention. Your attention, your awareness, your ability to prevent risk situations are the best defense technique: by never finding yourself in dangerous situations, you will not need to defend yourself.


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